Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get all of Canada, including the province of Ontario to pass a bill that will ban and oversee ownership and care of exotic wildlife. Each city and province throughout Canada looks at exotic animal ownership in difference ways, despite whether or not the owners are aware of the health, safety and proper care of the exotic species. Such instances can lead to animal cruelty investigations. All of Canada needs to abide by the laws and Bill 125 that refers to exotic animals held in captivity.
Laws throughout Canada are not consistent countrywide regarding regulations in owning and caring for an exotic animals. Some areas require permits for an exotic animal as a pet while others consider the animal to be illegal. Ontario is the only province currently lacking any form of provincial legislation regarding exotic animal ownership.
Some provinces such as Alberta and PEI only ban animals that are considered dangerous although any and all animals with wild instincts are to be respected. The provinces of Quebec and Saskatchewan makes a listing of which animals require permits and which do not. British Columbia exclusively restricts the sale and ownership of exotic wild animals of controlled alien species.
Selling exotic animals is a trade; big business without regard for the animals involved. The animals are stolen from their natural home environments strictly for the purpose of making money from them. Parrots have their beaks cut, feed taped and are often stuffed into plastic tubes for smuggling in luggage. Baby turtles are taped inside of their shells, with many of these animals perishing during the journey from capture to sale. Additionally, those that do end up "adopting" these animals if they survive the trips mistreat them due to be unqualified in their care.
Once purchased, often times the exotic animals end up abandoned on a road side or are left to die. Others are left in the hands of children who play with their new exotic pets too roughly and the animals get injured, or vise versa. The Canadian exotic pet trade affects you too. Countless diseases emerge from the handling and importation of exotic animals and these diseases threaten human health.
We need to encourage all provinces of Canada beginning with Ontario that all of these animals need to be respected and banned from ownership as pets. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to get all of Canada, including the province of Ontario to pass a bill that will ban and oversee ownership and care of exotic wildlife. Each city and province throughout Canada looks at exotic animal ownership in difference ways, despite whether or not the owners are aware of the health, safety and proper care of the exotic species. Such instances can lead to animal cruelty investigations. All of Canada needs to abide by the laws and Bill 125 that refers to exotic animals held in captivity.
Provinces of Ontario, Canada and Other Canadian Government Officials - Laws throughout all of Canada are very confusing regarding the ownership and legality of owning wild, exotic animals as pets. Whether someone has a permit or not, these animals are not meant to live in private homes as pets the same as a pet dog or cat. Do not allow anyone in any of your cities and provinces to legally own an exotic animal as a cute and cuddly pet within the home. Animals such as snakes, monkeys and more need to live where they were meant to, in forests and national parks within trees and other natural settings. You cannot take their natural living from them by forcing them to live in an apartment or home; their instincts remain deep within. Ban anyone from bringing any exotic pet within their home to live unnaturally. Stop the trade and ownership of wild exotic animals in Canada such as the province of Ontario.
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