Please help the coyotes

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: Illinois Department of Natural Resources and/or other Illinois authorities
I have read a Care2 article about sightings of mange-infested coyotes, described as "zombie dogs", in the Chicago suburb of Hanover Park, III. Apparently, this medical condition causes an intense skin rash that can lead to constant scratching and hair loss for any poor animal that is unfortunate enough to be infected with it. It is caused by burrowing mites, and secondary infections can affect an animal's vision, making it difficult for them to tell the difference between day and night, which is likely the reason why these normally nocturnal animals are now appearing during the day.
Despite this, however, the article states that "the police department didn't say whether the infected coyotes would be trapped and treated - and it doesn't seem likely." These poor coyotes could be left to suffer in agony for days, weeks, months or even years if not treated. They could suffer from this horrible condition for the rest of their lives or even, perhaps, die.
Please do all you can to ensure that these poor animals are treated either with mite repellent that will repel these mange-causing mites or even mite killer that will kill the mange mites (if 100% necessary). If any of the coyotes cannot be treated or cured, due to condition or due to danger to the humans who would be handling them, even putting down humanely would be preferable over constant agony and suffering for them. Putting an animal to sleep quickly and humanely by lethal injection is surely preferable over allowing to suffer untreated and allowing them to die in agony.
Thank you.
Update #17 years ago
I have now contacted the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, ABC Humane Wildlife Control and Prevention and WILDLIFE POLICE, INC. about these coyotes. Hopefully, at least one of these groups will treat the coyotes and get back to me about this soon. Thank you all for signing.
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