Vicious abuse of animals within industrial farming is coming to the fore in ever increasing frequency. And every time, the workers involved are fired, the company says it is an isolated case and all is then swept under the rug.
Chilliwack Cattle Sales in British Columbia has become one of the largest dairy farms in Canada and remains family-owned. Recent videos show workers at the farm beating cows with chains and crowbars, hanging and dragging cows with tractors and kicking downed cows in the head, whipping cows repeatedly. It is a graphic and shocking look into the actions of these eight workers–actions that the head of the company insists are anomalies.
The company has fired the eight workers and is now taking action to prevent anything like this abuse from happening again. Some of the measures they are taking include longer training periods to instill respect for animals in future employees and the installation of additional security cameras on farm property.
Regardless of the above measures, it is extremely important that the guilty workers are held accountable for their actions: not just for the sake of JUSTICE, but to make an example of them , while pushing for the stricter protections necessary to prevent future abuses in the dailry industry and farming generally.
Let Canadian officials know that the BC SPCA’s recommendation to charge these workers with willful animal cruelty deserves their full support. Your signature will help to prevent the sickening abuse of dairy cows from happening again.