In most countries, they have animal protection laws especially for dogs...mans best friend but not China. animals at the yulin dog meat festival are secretly and publicly, brutally killed for profit. 10,000 to 15,000 dogs and cats will be plucked off the streets and stolen from people's back gardens and homes to be put to death. The way these people treat these animals is both horrific and shocking. Many dogs have their limbs chopped off without sedation and whilst alive and conscious, others have their head's bashed in with hammers and mallets, and most are skinned, stabbed and left to bleed to death all for the sake of the China yulin dog meat festival ! They are kept in tiny cages with 10s of others of dogs and cats. Plus when people who go there only to save the dogs, the sellers bump up the prices Knowing that they will be willing to pay to save the animals and If the buyer is not willing the sellers brutaly hurt the dogs And cats with hammers and knifes And even kill other animals in front of the people to force them to buy the dogs. show china that we are not putting up with this! we need comments now! If we don't get many signitures we need To make up for that with Compelling comments to encourage the government to make the ban, or we will not be taken seriously and the festivals will be allowed to continue. We were to late to save the animals this time, but if we band together we can put a ban on this cruel festival and save the lives of the dogs and cats that are to be killed in the next festival.
Please copy this into your search engines and read about what this woman did.
Put a stop to this cruel festival now, before the next festival comes all to soon!