Tell Wal-Mart to Break Ties With Inhumane Pork Supplier!
A recent undercover investigation by animal rights group Mercy for Animals revealed extreme animal rights abuse in Merriam, Kansas-based Seaboard Foods. Seaboard supplies pork for Wal-Mart.
Seaboard still continues to confine sows in gestation crates that prevent them from stretching out, walking or even turning around. Nine U.S. states and the European Union already ban gestation crates, and leading companies like Safeway, Kroger, Costco, Kmart, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and Chipotle have already taken a stand against them.
Mercy for Animals' investigation revealed workers' cutting off piglets' tails and testicles with dull razor blades and hitting them with a gas can to force them into a truck.
Wal-Mart is in a position to pressure Seaboard to stop abusing animals and using outdated and inhumane gestation crates. Please sign the petition to urge Wal-Mart to cut their ties with Seaboard until they stop abusing pigs.
A recent undercover investigation by animal rights group Mercy for Animals revealed extreme animal rights abuse at the facility of your pork supplier, Seaboard Foods.
As you know, Seaboard still continues to confine sows in gestation crates that prevent them from stretching out, walking or even turning around. Nine U.S. states and the European Union already ban gestation crates, and leading companies like Safeway, Kroger, Costco, Kmart, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and Chipotle have already taken a stand against them.
Mercy for Animals' investigation revealed workers' cutting off piglets' tails and testicles with dull razor blades and hitting them with a gas can to force them into a truck.
Wal-Mart is in a position to pressure Seaboard to stop abusing animals and using outdated and inhumane gestation crates. We urge you to cut your ties with Seaboard Foods and switch to a supplier who treats pigs humanely. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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