We demand an explanation and an official investigation: where are the cats of Santana's Park, RJ

Campo the Santana is a public area, under the administration of the Major of Rio.The local is the living space of hundreds of cats, under the presumed responsibility of the local Animal Defense Secretary.Nevertheless, it has been only to the good will of local volunteers that these animals have survived until now. These people have joined efforts in order to provide food and medical care to the animals for many years now.When contacted, the Animal Secretary has always replied throwing the burden of responsibility for their care on the volunteers. I myself wrote to them asking for the animals to be transferred to a public facility named Fazenda Modelo, a public instalation that has several areas built  to receive animals properly, and for which we, taxpayers, have payed quite a huge sum of money. This local, which has the accomodations for around 2.000 cats and a similar number of dogs and birds, as well as abandoned horses, is totally abandoned, and no more than one hundred animals are there at the present moment. They refused, saying that it has "other utilities".(?)This week we had the information that more than 80 cats have simply disappeared from the Park. A white wagon was seen in the place, and it was made possible for it to enter the park with the administration"s allowance on several occasions.We are led to think that the animals were simply killed and the Animal Defense Secretary says it does not know anything about that. Rio is probably "cleaning the city" and killing these animals before the Olympic Games and the World Soccer Championship that are due to happen in a few years.The local authorities have no concern with animal rights and welfare.Help us try to revert this situation, by demanding an investigation and the identification of the authors of  this crime, with the due legal punishment for them.As a brazilian, I am horrified to see the way things go on in this city.Justice and law must prevail.
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