Protect America's Wetlands

Our nation's rivers, lakes, wetlands and streams have a tremendous impact on everyone's lives. But, development and pollution of these areas result in the loss of an average of 80,000 acres of wetlands each year. That is why we need 80,000 people to let the President know how important wetlands are to us. Parents want clean drinking water for their children. Families want to live without fear of their homes being flooded.  Sportsmen want to protect habitat for fish and wildlife and enjoy the opportunities to hunt and fish. Wetlands provide all these things and more. Tell the President we need to protect these areas for our future. Sign the petition today!

Wetlands profoundly benefit the lives of every American.  They control floods and erosion, hold and cleanse water, and give us places to hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors.  What's more, wetlands provide habitat for many thousands of plant, fish and wildlife species.  Yet we continue to let our last -- and best -- wetlands slip through our hands.  In fact, we lose an average of 80,000 acres of natural wetlands each year.  A series of recent rollbacks in legal protections now threaten to accelerate our nation's already appalling rate of wetlands loss.  Leadership is needed to restore federal protections that are crucial to maintaining clean water and healthy wetlands.  Please do everything in your power to restore the strength of our national wetlands and clean water protections -- and please do so quickly.

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