Stop Shark Finning in the Philippines

  • by: Hannah Wolf
  • recipient: President of the Phillipines

Thresher sharks are being killed for their fins in the Batangas Bay area of the Philippines. According to Dr. Simon Oliver, shark specialist and chair of the Thresher Shark Research and Conservation Group based in the United Kingdom, these animals are facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

Thresher sharks are considered a vulnerable species worldwide.

If the current un-sustainable fishing practices in Batangas Bay continue unabated these animals will disappear from Philippine waters.

Please help me in urging the Philippine government to take action to save these magnificent animals.

We the undersigned, uge you to take action to help protect the thresher sharks that are being harvested for their fins in your waters.

The current fishing practices are un-sustainable for these endangered animals. It has been proven that there is more income to be made from a live shark then what is made from their death. The local city officals of Batangas Bay have already expressed an intrest and willingness to change the current practices and start a shark tourism industry. Please help them with their efforts by passing a national law that prohibits the hunting and selling of the thresher sharks.

Thank you for your time.
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