Save the 'Save dogs from Being Killed' Page on Facebook
'Save dogs from Being Killed' is a page on facebook, dedicated to help dogs and other animals through sharing their pictures and stories and rising awareness for them.
It also rises awareness for all the abused animals worldwide and takes a stand against animal cruelty - a fact that is about to lead to the deletion of the page. After being repeatedly reported and banned because some facebook users didn't seem to the like the pages good cause, 'Save dogs from Being Killed' is now about to be shut down.
Don't let that happen. Cruelty against animals does exist and the victims shouldn't be forgotten or overlooked because their pictures are deemed to be unpleasant.
Help save 'Save dogs from Being Killed' and all the other pages that rise awareness, help preventing them from being considered spam, being banned and shut down in the future.
We the undersigned, are gravely concerned with the ban and deletion of pages like 'Save dogs from Being Killed'. Pages that are dedicated to rising awareness for abused animals, pages that help shelter animals finding new homes, pages that show the true face of animal cruelty.
Named page has been banned for days on several occasions. The reasons included the posted pictures as well as being considered spam. But helping animals and taking a stand against animal cruelty should not be considered spam - neither should it be banned for showing the truth or treated as if it was promoting the abuse of animals.
We ask that Facebook applies adequate measurements and stops banning and deleting pages that support animals and animal rights.
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