Peace and freedom for Czech republic

  • by: sarka jemelkova
  • recipient: stop building american radar system in Czech republic

These days is planned to build an american radar system in my country. Its said that it will be used as a part of american defensive system against "enemies from the east". But who are that enemies? Think of that-isnt that only another way for Government for deepen and preservation of american authority in the world? The radar system is planned to build in the area of protected landscape area whe live many kinds of wild animals and where are beautiful forests. But if the radar will be here, all that valuable parts of our nature will be destroyed. Another valid problem is that by outcome of opinion polls two-thirds of czech inhabitants dont want this system here, but our politics doesnt care. Now we lay our hopes on new american president, who can annul the resolution of building radar system here. Please help us to change the absurd, untimely and undemocratic resolution of american and czech politics, because its possible to use big financial resources reserved for building radar here for much more useable things to fight against poverty in the world. Please let the peace, freedom and democracy come to Czech republic.

We the undersigned are protesting against reckless disregard of democracy in Czech republic by building of the american radar system in the protected landscape area and which will be build against the will of most of czech inhabitants. We are saying "NO!" to support of war machine, rising of armament costs and building of feel of exposure by fictive enemies. We want to get to know all that things to a new american president.
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