Keep Health Insurance Private and Protect our Agents
Please sign and send a message to our congressional leaders that we believe in the free market system and we don't want government run health insurance (a Public-plan option).
We do not want government programs competing with the private sector.
We don't want the government in the health insurance business.
Protect out independent insurance agents, they are a valuable and helpful resource.
Protect our employers and continue to allow the tax deductibility of employee benefit programs.
Please sign and send to as many friends, associates, clients in your email address book, Facebook, etc.
Don't wait or it may be too late. Congress is trying to push through legislation for a "government run insurance plan" by this summer 2009. We need 1,000,000 signatures by July 1, 2009
Keep health insurance private and protect our insurance agents!!!
Thank you for your signature.
We are against a government run health insurance program! Keep Health insurance private and protect our independent insurance agents.
As you consider comprehensive health reform legislation, please make sure that you preserve the role of licensed health insurance agents and brokers. As an American health insurance consumer, I am dependent on my health insurance agent/broker to not only help me find the right coverage for myself, my family and the members of my company, but also to help me resolve any problems that can occur as we use our medical benefits. The cost of my agent/broker may be considered by some as an unnecessary administrative expense, but I don't know how my business would be able to provide the benefits we do without this service. The personal attention we receive could in no way be replicated by a government-run call center. Depriving us access to agent and broker services would cause significant hardship for me, my business and for my employees. I believe that America needs health reform. But I don't think health reform needs to come at the expense of licensed health insurance agents and brokers and I don't want a government run program.
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