Worldwide 300 million food-allergies patients and millions of people concerned with consequences of food scandals on their health need access to food safetyknowledge.
Reading the small print on each product is too difficult and too time consuming and people with special diets often don't find the information they need on food labels. While searching for food databases we found out the information exists but is not made easily available by food producers, distributors and govermental bodies for health/food safety.
Help us help you! Sign the pledge to:
Make food data/safety information available about the food ingredients, production and distribution process in every country.
Pledge today! Information = Power to make safer food choices.
Therefore we create value for producers, consumers and distribution partners and encourage you to join us!
URGENT: please VOTE 1x/day till 13.11 on the following video-link. Out of over 600 startup projects we have been pre-selected for LeWeb’11, Europe #1 Internet Event. To make it to the top 16 finalists every vote counts:
Social start-up ClearKarma which supports you to check your food & make safer choices based on your personal health, environmental or social criteria.
We will offer food information through a multilingual mobile application and benefit especially people with food-allergies (gluten, lactose, nuts, etc.) or who follow special diets (E.g. diabetes, vegetarian, Halal, Kosher, pregnant women, etc.).