Cartoon Network's Toonami is off the air and replacing it with Movies, reality shows (for example: Brain Rush, The Outsiders, Survive This, and others as well) and not allowing the rest of the Naruto episodes to finish. This petition is to give Toonami the chance that it deserves for staying with Cartoon Network for so long.
This petition is for teens and anyone who loves any type of anime like I do, so we can make a difference to bring back Toonami for anyone who has never seen good quality anime.
February 21, 2009
We the undersigned implore you that Toonami should be back on the air, and allow the Naruto anime to finish the rest of the episodes. It is in our belief that teens indeed need Toonami in their lives only because it gives teens a reaction towards their favorite shows. It also seems that your company is not only allowing "Movies" going on around eight o'clock but allowing reality shows like Brain Rush, The Outsiders, Survive This, and not even allowing new Naruto episodes to come on when they normally do.
Then there were other shows that your company "decided" to take off: Zach Bell, One Piece, Naruto, Blue Dragon, and others as well that was indeed on Toonami. This makes me feel incentive to the fact that your company would allow such an audacity to come to teens that normally have your companies network on their televisions. Teens need Toonami because it gives them a closure from childhood to the transition to become teenagers.
Therefore we are allowing a petition to bring Toonami back, and allow any shows that teens all across the state to watch as they do so. As for teens who never had the chance to see Toonami before and they may never will, and therefore we pity them because they will never get the chance to see great artistry before. Even adults much like ourselves, enjoy watching anime, and loving the artistic value of how anime shows interacts with the audience.
Hopefully that you and your company will understand these circumstances towards the reason why Toonami should be on. Along with this petition that is included with this letter allowing you and your company to know how many viewers have enjoyed watching Toonami, and hopefully that you would reconsider putting Toonami back on the air. Please understand that our proposal is only to allow teens to have their say in why Toonami should be back on. Thank you for reading this letter and I hope that you and your company will understand as to why we want Toonami back on.