Petition for Formula Companies to Donate to Japan's Babies

Starving babies??  We cannot let this happen!  Japan's earthquake and subsequent tsunami has left many babies and toddlers without their mothers, who may have been breastfeeding them.  With the radiation scare and the crackdown on food rations, even those women who may be lactating and willing to help are becoming malnourished due to this ensuing crisis.  Receiving formula may be these babies' only chance for survival!  While individual donations of formula are welcomed, it will have a much larger impact if we can get the formula companies involved.  Please consider signing this petition to get formula companies to donate much-needed formula to Japan's babies.
We the undersigned respectfully ask for your support in this endeavor.  We would like to minimize and possibly prevent the Japanese tsunami disaster from affecting the most innocent of all people: babies and toddlers who have lost their mothers who may have been breastfeeding them.  With the radiation scare and the crackdown on food rations, even those women left who may be lactating and willing to help are becoming malnourished due to this ensuing crisis.  The ramifications of the disaster in the Tohoku area are far-reaching and we need to act now.  Since the water in this area is contaminated with radiation, powdered formula is not an option.  Please consider donating liquid formula to help these stranded and hungry toddlers and babies.  Thank you deeply for your time and concern for this very vulnerable population in Japan!
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