Ban candy cigarettes in the USA
"Subliminal candy cigarettes attract and allure kids into a lifetime
nicotine addiction later in life," FDA's ban on these candy cigarettes will break that cycle for the more than 3,600 young people who start smoking daily."
Their place on the market has long been controversial because many critics believe the candy desensitizes children, leading them to become smokers later in life. Because of this, the selling of candy cigarettes has been banned in several countries such as Finland, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But not in the USA, we can ban candy, fruit and herbal flavored real cigarettes for the same reason above but we cannot ban the candy cigarettes that are sold to our smallest children? This is where is all starts, as young as 2 years old kids are carrying around these appalling
boxes of candy cigarettes and getting all the practice they need to smoke for real. We the under signed are tired of the marketing of cigarettes to our kids and want it banned immediately. The FDA says its priority for passing the
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 was to protect our children? Well why not go to the root of the whole problem and take those so called candy cigarettes (candy sticks) off the shelves in this country and really send a message of deterrence to Big Nasty Tobacco. Its time we stand up and truly do something more to protect our kids FDA. Pass the ban and get a hand!
"Subliminal candy cigarettes attract and allure kids into a lifetime
nicotine addiction later in life," FDA's ban on these candy cigarettes will break that cycle for the more than 3,600 young people who start smoking daily."
Their place on the market has long been controversial because many critics believe the candy desensitizes children, leading them to become smokers later in life. Because of this, the selling of candy cigarettes has been banned in several countries such as Finland, Norway, the Republic of Ireland, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But not in the USA, we can ban candy, fruit and herbal flavored real cigarettes for the same reason above but we cannot ban the candy cigarettes that are sold to our smallest children? This is where is all starts, as young as 2 years old kids are carrying around these appalling
boxes of candy cigarettes and getting all the practice they need to smoke for real. We the under signed are tired of the marketing of cigarettes to our kids and want it banned immediately. The FDA says its priority for passing the
Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act of 2009 was to protect our children? Well why not go to the root of the whole problem and take those so called candy cigarettes (candy sticks) off the shelves in this country and really send a message of deterrence to Big Nasty Tobacco. Its time we stand up and truly do something more to protect our kids FDA. Pass the ban and get a hand!
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