North Fork Forest in western Colorado is over thousands of acres and home to over 30 animal species. This forest could soon be in danger as the U.S Forest Service is planning on opening the West Elk Mine in Somerset to export over 350 million tons of coal. Last year in september the federal court denied this proposal, but this year they are trying again.
This proposal is a lose-lose situation as it will not only remove a state treasure, but it will also remove the homes of animals. There are already issues of human-animal encounters and by allowing this proposal, they will become more frequent. This will result in poisoning, zoo transportation, shooting and euthanization.
Trees play an important role by providing oxygen and reducing the emissions of greenhouse gasses that our effecting our planet's climate; without these trees, global warming will skyrocketing and soon we will have nothing left.
The public has until May 22nd to approve/disapprove this proposal from the U.S Forest Service. Please sign my petition and tell them that this will NOT help our environment or the animals.
Dear U.S Forest Service
We the undersigned urge you to cancel the proposal of the coal mine loophole in Colorado. These forests are not only homes to thousands of animals, but are a true gem to the community, hikers and hunters who visit it. It is also endangering our climate as trees play an important role by taking C02 out of the air.
By allowing this proposal, animal-human encounters will become constant as they will have nowhere to go which could possibly make many species extinct or added to the IUCN Red List.
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