The Moose Cree First Nation, in the far North of Ontario, still drinks water fresh from the South Bluff Creek. This pristine creek is a site of cultural and environmental importance, offering a clean water source for black bears, the threatened woodland caribou and migratory birds.
Now, this precious boreal forest is being threatened with mining. NioBay, a niobium mining company, is seeking permits to mine around the South Bluff Creek, despite the Moose Cree's vocal opposition.
The mine would strip precious boreal forests and threaten the health and cleanliness of the South Bluff Creek. Not only that, the Moose Cree will have a place of significant cultural importance destroyed.
The mining corporation claims that it will have little impact on the creek and offer economic opportunity for the Moose Cree. However, another niobium mine in Quebec was reported to be releasing toxic arsenic, zinc and copper into the surrounding area.
This mine will cause nothing but destruction and must be stopped. The Moose Cree are already working hard to protect their traditional territory and with your added pressure we can send a louder message to Premier Wynne that this mine must not go through.
Sign today to stand with the Moose Cree to protect pristine boreal forests and water!