There is a cruel, ILLEGAL mass cull of stray dogs taking place in Sarajevo. This government-sanctioned slaughter has been going on for several days. The authority for this massacre comes from the members of the state leading political party, who are actively encouraging the brutality that is currently taking place. Please sign our petition to the Bosnian Ambassador in the UK to let him, and the rest of the Bosnian administration, know that this is barbaric and unacceptable.
A terrible situation has been brought to our attention. One we feel compelled to act on. We have seen evidence from a number of credible sources inside Sarajevo of a truly hideous, indiscriminate mass cull of the stray dog population, much to the horror of not only the local people, but animal lovers around the world!
This cull was ordered by the state leading political party and at least one city Mayor Samir Efendic.
We are all aware that there is a problem with stray dogs in Bosnia, but recently there has been real progress in solving the problem through the trap, neuter and release schemes that have been implemented there. The Dogs Trust, a recognized charity from the United Kingdom has injected thousands of pounds into helping the dogs and thereby the Bosnian people, by vaccinating the strays against rabies and other diseases. By spending money to vaccinate and neuter the dogs the stray dogs less of a danger and problem than ever before.
Many people from all over the world have donated, fundraised and worked hard in any way they possibly can to help improve the stray dog situation and now these dogs are being mercilessly murdered. The dogs that are being killed en masse are not aggressive or disease ridden, they are friendly, affectionate creatures, lying happily on the pavements around the towns, near play parks where children pet and feed them, in built up areas where they are fed by many residents who have formed attachments to these sweet dogs but unfortunately do not have the financial means to keep them as pets.
The dog catchers are taking friendly and passive dogs from the streets and murdering them in the back of vans using the most horrific means such as bleach! A company called Lokom is overseeing this, paid for by the local authorities. Even more disturbing, are claims from local residents that puppies are being forcibly removed from nursing mothers and killed the same day.
Hundreds of dogs have disappeared, including people’s pets!! Dogs are being taken indiscriminately and slaughtered in cold-blooded and repulsive ways. They are removed from the streets and taken to hidden camps, away from prying eyes. Nobody is allowed access to these places to find out what exactly goes on there, but the dogs that are taken there are never seen again.
Rescuers and activists have begged and offered money to take the dogs to safety and still the dogs are murdered. To say that these actions are making people in over countries look at Bosnia in disgust and hate would be minimizing the way we feel to the extreme.
Every country in the world is aware of what is happening in Bosnia, the knowledge spreads through social media to reach millions of animal lovers and more importantly to your country, it is reaching millions of would be holiday makers. The money generated by people visiting foreign countries on holiday is such a boost to the country’s economy many countries rely on it. Just imagine if you could generate, millions of Euros just by cleaning up the image of your country and thereby interesting holiday makers, making your country seem an inviting place rather than a country of a living hell.
What we are asking is for this cull to be stopped, and a strict Capture, Neuter, Release programme be put in place, a programme people all over the world will support and help fund through donations. We can make your country a better place to live, not just for the dogs but for your people as well.
*image from Journalists For Animals*
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