Help Bring Justice for Charlie the Abused Dalmation!
A woman was disqualified from keeping animals for life after she was found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to her dog called Charlie.
The white lurcher with Dalmatian-type markings made for a pitiful sight when he was collected from a property by a kennel owner who boarded stray dogs for the local council. The woman at the address claimed she had found the dog in that condition, wandering around a nearby industrial estate.
Pictures published in the press showing Charlie with his ribs poking through his fur helped spark a wave of sympathy for him, with members of the public also sending in food and jumpers to keep him warm while he put on weight.
RSPCA Inspector Martyn Fletcher said at the time:
He is the skinniest dog I think I've ever seen alive, literally skin and bones.
Inspector Fletcher visited the house where Charlie had been collected from to try to speak to the suspect but there was no reply. He did however notice a dog cage containing what he believed to be two or three-day-old faeces outside in the garden. The suspect was traced to her place of work.
A vet confirmed Charlie's condition was a result of starvation rather than any underlying medical condition. He had a body condition score of one out of five and had been caused to suffer in excess of a month.
The dog had also suffered from dehydration. When Charlie came into our care he weighed just 10.2 kilogrammes, less than half the average weight for his size and breed. Four months later his weight had more than doubled to 22 kilogrammes
This kind of cruelty (if inflicted on humans) would never be allowed without some form of jail time! We must fight for animals like Charlie! Let them be safe!
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