Wisconsin has a small herd of rare white deer around Boulder Junction. There are perhaps 75 of these albino and some piebald ( spotted ) white deer across the entire state. The hunters want to kill them. The annual election of two delegates of five per county to represent all citizens has been dominated by hunters 99.9% for the past 88 years. The election and vote will be held in every county in Wisconsin, Monday, April 13, at 6:30 p.m. Locations and the questionnaire can be found here: http://dnr.wi.gov/About/WCC/springhearing.html
Hunters like to imply the deer have a "recessive gene" as if it were a fault. Blue eyes in humans are a recessive gene - it is just a gene that does not manifest often - and in this case creates great beauty. You can watch video of them here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97asdM9iAU8
The public television documentary "Ghosts of the Forest" ( http://video.wpt.org/video/1510278527/ ) about our white deer had 14 million views when it aired. People come from around the world to photograph and see them. They are documented in the historic journals of European explorers. They are important in Native American legend. Local people protect and feed them, benefiting also from tourists coming from around the world to catch a glimpse of them or photograph them.
Please sign and network this petition widely because citizens around the state who do not kill wildlife are not aware of the importance of electing representation to govern our public lands and wildlife. It is important that citizens recognize the importance of this election and vote. We need a revolution of humane people showing up and running as candidates to elect a paradigm shift to protect our brother wildlife.
Monday, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. in every county in Wisconsin, citizens (even children of any age) can vote on whether to kill sand hill cranes, white deer, expand killing 4,750 black bears over packs of dogs, and expand trapping in all public lands to all night and day 6-7 months of the year. Please support Wisconsin citizens to attend this election. It is the only night of the year they can vote on these hunter proposals and elect HUMANE delegates ( and run for the two delegate positions) - two of five in every county in Wisconsin. We need humane candidates in every county. Hunters will have two in all 72 counties. Please save our 75 or less white deer. They have been here since the European explorers first came and took over. They were rare then and remain few. Don't forget to network widely.
Thank you!
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