Demand a longer sentence for tiger poachers!
Currently right now in India the maximum prison sentence for poaching a tiger is 5 years in prison, most get much less, while there are as little as 3500 tigers left in the wild. If people continue to get a prison sentence that is less then 20 years then there is no real deterent. 5 years is nothing. In africa poachers face life in prison and up to 350,000 dollars in fines. Why are tigers any less important? Setting bear traps that leave tigers no chance of escape or survival is not only slow and cruel but also unfair, as they are trapped and helpless as their murderers put a bullet straight to their head. When the cost for tiger parts are so high we must make deterents more extreme as well because a 10,000 dollar fine for a pelt that's worth hundreds of thousands is no detergent it is an insult to the life of this beautiful creature that our kids will never see if we don't act now! Demand that poachers face life in prison for the murder they committ!
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