During August 2015, the multi millionaire British banker turned photographer David Yarrow had a full grown tiger, wolves and a bobcat shipped from "Animals of Montana" into Detroit, Michigan for a "racy urban themed" shoot at the abandoned Packard plant. Yarrow failed to tell officials. During the shoot the tiger escaped and was eventually cornered in a filthy stairwell by an inexperienced volunteer called in last minute who harassed the tiger with a weed whacker. The tiger (who was likely heavily sedated prior to the shoot) was able to be returned to a cage and avoid the likelihood of being shot dead.
David Yarrow is now claiming that he "secured all the permits" and at "no time were any animals loose." Bizarrely, he's also claiming that he used "the very best and respected animal experts in the world" to provide the tiger.
Why is a self proclaimed" conservationist" paying a convicted animal trafficker with severe USDA violations to provide rare exotic animals? And most importantly why were the people of Detroit put at risk for a photo shoot with absolutely no legal repercussions or fines?
The shipment of tiger for a photo shoot is deplorable enough but putting public safety at risk while using an inner city to further the stereotype of urban blight and abandonment is inexcusable. Please sign to demand a full inquiry and that David Yarrow be fined for his ignorant display of animal cruelty and for putting public safety at risk. Thank you.