Senator Lisa Murkowski: STOP KILLING WOLVES!

The “Sportsman’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act,” which has passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is now headed to the U.S. Senate, includes a provision that would delist wolves in Wyoming and the Great lakes Region.

When wolves are delisted from protection, an open hunting season will follow!

Why would a bill intended to support sportsmen become a bill designed to destroy wilderness and wildlife? The reasoning is that hunters (as we once knew them) are being replaced by a group that wants easy access and the ability to collect trophies? This Bill is TOXIC and does NOT represent traditional American values; it must be stopped NOW!

Respectfully, I ask that you please oppose the Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act of 2015 (H.R. 2406), aka the "SHARE Act." If passed, this bill would remove protections from wolves and force wildlife managers to consider hunting and trapping interests above all others.

This omnibus legislation is cruel to wolves and other wildlife and damaging to affected ecosystems: it reverses years of work done to protect animals and the environment--all for the benefit of a small percentage of hunters.

Please reconsider H.R. 2406 and AMEND THIS BILL TO EXCLUDE ACTIONS AGAINST WOLVES and regulations that HARM The National Environmental Policy Act.

Update #28 years ago
“This vote is a crack at the very foundation of the Endangered Species Act, a law that has a 99 percent success rate at pulling species back from the brink of extinction. Ninety percent of Americans from across the political spectrum support the act. If we continue down this slippery slope, we could end up in a world where our children or grandchildren might never again see a bald eagle, or a breaching whale, or hear the cry of a wolf in the wild.”
Drew Caputo, Earthjustice
Update #19 years ago
The SHARE Act (H.R. 2406) is perhaps the most harmful legislation to wildlife in the past century: not only will it delist wolves in many areas, it will mandate shooting ranges on Federal Public Lands. For a little taste of what that would be like, watch our video! Watch our updates for more reasons the SHARE Act must be stopped at all costs:
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