Dogs are dying in the public shelter Craiova,ROMANIAand in all shelters

To stop the horrible crimes of the strays happening day after day on the streets and shelters of Romania


We, with all our trust and hearths haave voted you in the hope that many will change in Romania and we still hope this will happen.

We also know that the animal , strays situation is not the priority, at this moment, vut we kindly ask you to change that horrible law which makes so many abuses, the so called 'euthanasia' law. There are many other ways to manage the stray population , who has the right to live as every creature on this earth, the death, the crime is never an option.Neither the abuse and agressivity against them.

As a civilised country, part of EU, we kindly ask you to reconsdier this horrible law, in order that those innocent dogs not to be killed but to find other solutions, adoptions, building shelters etc.

Think, that not only those poor animals are suffering beeing abused, tortured and at the end killed but think also at the psihical health of the children and the population, think of the impact having on them,all this situation creating a continous stress, suspicion, frightened people who suffer with those innocents, this cannot continue this way, you have to put an end to it,please, in a civilised world, we need civilised, menthal healthy people and not stressed, afraightened, depressed humans.

We trust in your good sense and humanity, we know that you are an animal loving human and we trust you will; stop this actual situation which seems will never end.

Please, let those animals live in peace, aswell the population,educating people is very needed, please, make a difference and stop the crime law.

Thank you, in the name of many people. worldwide and groups of international animal welfare.



and so many other groups

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