Animal Offenders Registry and Justice for Cyprus Animals

Animal welfare is the lowest priority on the national political agenda in Cyprus and it is time that this changes. There is a strong link between mental illnesses like sociopathology and animal abuse which leads to criminal behaviour. Many studies prove that children and adults who abuse, torture and/or kill animals are likely to show violence towards people also.

So far, such as in the cases of Bruno, Thunder, Billy, the Aradippou Hell Pound Case (burnt dogs) plus others of which details will be attached to this petition, the sentences handed down are too lenient allowing other offenders to think that this behaviour is acceptable.

Abuse against animals is increasing dramatically and we are asking the President of Cyprus, Parliament and Legal Advisors responsible to start acknowledging that things need to change by implementing the following immediately and without delay:

- An Animal Abuse Registry with the names of all offenders (including hunters who abandon and/or injure animals after hunting season, animal fighting rings, puppy mills, unlicensed breeders, zoos and individuals keeping imported wild/exotic and/or captive animals in unsatisfactory conditions) to be made public so that the police, animal shelters and veterinary services can keep track of said persons so that no animal can be placed in their hands again.

- The offenders are barred from keeping or working with animals for a minimum of 10 years

- The minimum fine handed down at sentencing to be between €5,000 and €50,000 and those funds used to set up and efficiently run a national spay/neuter campaign and improve the conditions of the pounds

- The minimum jail time in conjunction with a fine be 2 years with 6 month certain incarceration before a suspended sentence can be enforced 

- The offenders to also be assigned community service

- Psychological evaluations for animal abusers would be a positive addition to the legal system

B) We also urge the President and Government to pass a law stating that ALL animals (domestic, wild or wild in captivity) be regarded as sentient beings meaning that they feel pain and emotional distress.

C) The control of dog pounds must be taken out of the hands of the Local Authorities (Municipalities) as they have proven time and again that they are incapable and unwilling to involve themselves in anything to do with animals.  A new system must be put in place and a new independent organisation (details to be issued to the authorities upon request) set up to run the said pounds. Animals ending up in the hands of the Local Authorities are usually abused and traumatized as they have no expertise on proper and humane animal welfare.

D) Banning the euthanizing of animals in pounds/shelters (except in certain condtions ie. serious illnes or injury causing lifelong suffering to said animal) after 15 days and penalize any fascility that does not follow proper promotion for the chance of rehoming these animals.

E) Ban the import of all wild/exotic animals (which in the long term will slowly close down existing facilities) and add strict controls for the current zoos/animal parks/petting zoos etc. Create legislation stating the conditions and size acceptable of each enclosure depending on the animals housed.

F) Virtual zoos will be installed to replace the need for 'live' facilities (this and all of the above can be discussed with the creator of this petition for input and details).

Thank you!

*The photograph is of Hope who was rescued by her abuser on Feb 22nd 2016. She slipped quietly away on Feb 25th 2016. We demand proper justice for all animals. RIP

*A Greek copy of this petition will also be enclosed when handed to the President of the Republic of Cyprus.

Update #46 years ago
We are relaunching the petition and will be handed to the President of the Republic of Cyprus at the ELAFI Animal Welfare Awards taking place in 2019. Please encourage as many people as possible to sign (SHARE) as we need to see these changes and justice for the animals fall into place in the next few months!
Update #39 years ago
We have made a couple of amendments to our petition. Let's help the number of signatories grow by sharing for the justice of these poor abused souls and especially for Hope (in photo) who passed away on Feb 25th 2016, 3 days after being rescued from her abuser.
Update #29 years ago
Our petition has now been Thunderclapped so we have increased the number of votes required - the more the merrier. Thank you to all who have signed so far.....your support means so much to us.
Update #19 years ago
Thank you for supporting our petition. We are Thunderclapping it so we can get as many signatures as possible. Please go to and share. We need 100 supporters to make it go viral in 13 days.
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