At buffalo farms in the Campania (southern Italy) region is shocking animal suffering for. Especially the treatment of male calves is terrible, says today animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS after investigation. The buffalo milk is used for the production of Mozzarella.
The animal cruelty begins after the birth of the calves. Because buffalo are mainly used for milk production and the buffalo meat is hardly eaten, the bull calves are an unwanted byproduct. They are beaten to death with hammers.
Buffelmozarella the shelves of nearly all supermarket chains. The price is often double the cowmilk mozarella. FOUR PAWS has established guidelines and supermarkets asked to see if the buffalo farms have taken those rules. Statement on the purchase
These guidelines demands include stopping the brutal killing of bull calves, good care and medical treatment, clean drinking water and regular monitoring of the buffalo farms. On many farms are many animals in a small area and grazing is not possible. Are often the buffaloes in their own feces and they have untreated wounds, says FOUR PAWS.