Help save Aragon before it's too late
A Panguitch family's dog was taken from them by the Garfield County Sheriffs office unlawfully June 23, 2017. The family dog Aragon was accused of attacking a neighbor's chickens on June 23rd and taken from the family's home without consent that morning.
No sufficient evidence other than one eye witness account was presented at the time officers removed the family animal from the family's home. The night county officers accused Aragon of attacking and killing the neighbor's chickens, he was locked inside the house sleeping with the family the whole night. That weekend was the balloon festival so there were several family members staying at their house, and there are multiple signed affidavits from the witnesses stating Aragon was in the house at that time.
Aragon has been impounded since June 23rd, 2017 with no fine set so that the family may attempt to free him. There is no sufficient evidence that Aragon attacked the neighbor's animals whatsoever. Only inconclusive statements from one neighbor. In short, Aragon was taken from their home on pure assumption made by the Garfield County Sheriffs office. Since he has been impounded he has lost 20 lbs or more and his condition continues to decline. From the severe heat and the conditions at the dog pound, his once beautiful husky coat is now mangy and shedding uncontrollably.
On August 23rd the Garfield County justice court sentenced Aragon to be euthanized or sent to an Animal Sanctuary, where he will live the rest of his life without his family. This is absolutely absurd considering the inconsistent statements, no evidence, his age, and several signed statements confirming Aragon was in the home at the time the chickens were killed.
Aragon is a fun-loving family dog. He has been with the Barney family for 9 years and during this time he has never harmed any person. Please help us help Aragon by signing this petition and giving him the support he deserves. No animal or person deserves unlawful actions taken against them for something they did not do.
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