Please sign and share this petition in an effort to find out who could do such an awful act as inject some horses in the Marion County, Florida area with gasoline, killing one so far and causing grave illness on another. How could anyone look into those beautiful eyes and attempt to kill the animal??!! Let us ban together and offer any information and tips that can lead to a prosecution of the abuser who did this to these horses by signing and sharing this petition.
John Hoogerhyde and Leah Greenleaf are neighbors at a property where a suspicious incident occurred just recently. Mr. Hoogerhyde noticed a blood spot on the should of one of his horses by the name of Jolean. The spot began to enlarge later in the day and Jolean became very ill. She had to be euthanized. She was a beautiful 17-year old animal that was a little fearful of people initially until her owner trained her to be loving and loyal. When a necropsy was done on her, it was determined a strong gasoline odor coming from that bloody spot on the shoulder. He stated that "The person who performed the necropsy said there was so much gasoline, it smelled like someone had poured a five-gallon can of gasoline on her."
The neighbor, Ms. Greenleaf stated that she also noticed similar symptoms on her horse, six-year old Kate. She too saw a puncture wound on her horse's neck that she originally thought was an insect bite. However, she also detected a strong odor and noted the area to swell. Kate is undergoing veterinary medical treatment and further surgery to treat the problem that began to affect her muscles.
The owners of the horses are saying they have no known enemies who would want to harm these horses. Mr. Hoogerhyde, speaking of his horse stated that "She's a pleasure. She's my companion. She's the daughter of my two horses. She's my baby. If you're the person that's doing this to our horses, just come forward. Stop it now." A reward is being offered for any information that can lead to an arrest. These horse owners are going to implement surveillance cameras on the property but plan to move their animals closer to the home where they can be closer watched.
It is very disturbing that someone would go on another person's property to purposely harm their animals with intent to kill for no apparent reason. Horses are content just to browse and graze and they were targeted by some sick person! We need to try and find them before they harm other animals and more. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to find out who could do such an awful act as inject some horses in the Marion County, Florida area with gasoline, killing one so far and causing grave illness on another. How could anyone look into those beautiful eyes and attempt to kill the animal??!! Let us ban together and offer any information and tips that can lead to a prosecution of the abuser who did this to these horses by signing and sharing this petition.
Marion County Sheriff's Office - Please continue a full and thorough investigation into the death and injuries of the horses that have been injected with gasoline. It is very disturbing that this animal abuser is still roaming the streets, with the ability to inflict more harm and pain to more animals and maybe even humans. You need to seek any and all leads and arrest those responsible with the strictest possible sentencing for the harm and death of these horses. Please gain justice for the deceased animal, Jolean and recovery of Kate. Get this "Human" monster off the streets, please!
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