The last time I looked at a dictionary, the meaning of shelter DID NOT include the word KILL. It is not an impossible dream for every shelter in the United States to embrace the "No Kill" philosophy and make it possible to spare millions of cats and dogs who are scheduled to die just because it can be done. Words from the No Kill Advocacy Center...."Shelter killing is the leading cause of death for healthy dogs and cats in the United States. Today, an animal entering a shelter has only one chance in two of making it out alive, and in some places it is as low as one in ten, with shelters blaming a lack of available homes as the cause of death. And yet, statistics reveal that there are over seven times as many people looking to bring an animal into their home every year as there are animals being killed in shelters because they lack one. Half of all animals who enter our nation’s shelters go out the back door in body bags rather than out the front door in the loving arms of adopters despite the fact that there are plenty of homes available". The economic benefits will be huge as in reduce costs, increased revenues and community support. So let's work together to make this change to make a difference in each and every animal!