Australia's agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce has stated that it’s ridiculous to have a massive coalmine in what is recognized as the NSW food bowl, according to a report in The Guardian.
Mr Joyce's comments come after the Australian environment minister Greg Hunt approved the controversial Chinese Shenhua coalmine situated near the town of Gunnedah in the Liverpool Plains of NSW.
Mr Joyce posted the comment on his Facebook page after news broke that the Chinese company Shenhua had been granted approval for the $1bn Watermark mine near Gunnedah.
The coal mine has been seen to threaten agriculture in the region, including sorghum and legume production.
The Greens have accused the government of putting overseas mining interests before local farmers, the people of NSW and the environment.
They have also accused Mr Joyce of failing to protect the Liverpool Plains - known all over Australia as one of the country's most fertile farming regions.
The Liverpool plains must be protected from any interests that could threaten farming in the area. Moreover, the people of NSW deserve to have their food protected too.
Will you join me in urging the federal environment minister Greg Hunt to overturn his decision and stop the Shenhua Coal Mine?
Please sign and share the petition.