In Australia. Koalas are still in great danger. Poeople using "back roads" often causes the injury or death of meny of the wildlife, including the Koala. There needs to be a limit/border line where vehicles can drive in the out back areas without disrupting and endangering the wildlife. The same can be said about the Australian wetlands. Using the fur and skins or other such parts of animals is no longer needed in the modern world. We can create food, fur etc in labs now. Artificial yet environmentally friendly. Safe for human use and saving animal's lives. We are living in the greatest technological age in human history. Using real animals for any reason should be a thing of the past. Put higher penalties in place. Greater fines and longer jail time. Become the government who changed the world by making the changes that are needed right now before it is to late. Become the people that the world look at as heroes. Donèt be another bad world leader who only cares about the money. Became the leaders of a new age. Make history. Start by saving the homelands of the Koala and continue on from there.