Stop Heart Stick Euthanasia In Stokes County, NC
Stokes County is still using an inhumane form of animal euthanasia called the heart stick method. This method is only to be used on comatose or sedated animals. To euthanise an animal using this method a syringe with a long needle filled with sodium pentobarbital must puncture several thick muscles and tissue to reach the heart. Most animals squirm and wiggle whether they sense danger or not. It is not uncommon for injections to miss the heart and puncture the lungs causing them to fill with fluid. This is a slow painful way to die. This form of euthanasia is illegal. Below is a video from another shelter using the heart stick method. Sign this petition and demand STOKES COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL use a humane method of euthanasia.
WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO shows inhumane killing of animals using the heart stick method:
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