Please sign and share this petition in an effort to shut down this puppy mill noted on route 173 in Caledonia, Illinois. This so-called breeder, a Ms. Kim Lettier needs to be put out of “business” immediately, face severe punishment for each case of animal abuse and be barred from ever owning or even coming near another loving animal for the rest of her life!!!
People in the area in Boone County, Illinois have been reporting the horrid conditions of a “breeding establishment” located on route 173 in Caledonia, Illinois. I can’t wrap my mind around the fact that the almighty dollar is more important than the health and well-being of the animals. This woman clearly has no concerns regarding her “puppies” that are kept stacked on top of each other in a 2-car garage. Passers-by would never suspect the cruelty behind those closed doors.
There are various breeds of puppies in that “dungeon” atmosphere, from pugs to Boston terriers, Pekinese, French and English bulldogs and more. This woman reportedly gets a bitch impregnated within months after having a litter. Females get no breaks; they are just puppy machines!
Many of the pups in her “care” are ill, diseased, emaciated and in horrible grooming conditions. One of the dogs is missing its eye; another has no eyelid. Many of the dogs suffer with hair loss and in all probability suffer with mange, which is highly contagious.
The puppies are kept in this cold garage environment in wire cages on top of each other, defecating and urinating on babies below. People who have been to see the pups noted one dragging itself along the concrete floor in distress while another was bleeding internally. This woman admitted that she does her own “vet care” and does not take the babies in to be seen by doctors; for obvious reasons. A vet would have reported her a long time ago.
We have got to close this puppy mill down now, save the puppies currently in her care and make her accountable for the abuse and cruelty to these animals. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to shut down this puppy mill noted on route 173 in Caledonia, Illinois. This so-called breeder, a Ms. Kim Lettier needs to be put out of “business” immediately, face severe punishment for each case of animal abuse and be barred from ever owning or even coming near another loving animal for the rest of her life!!!
Boone County Courthouse Judicial System and Animal Control Officials – Please ensure that the “breeding” facility of this Ms. Lettier is shut down immediately and the animals saved. We encourage you to prosecute this woman to the full extent of the law, with animal cruelty and abuse charges against her for each animal she has ever abused! Someone like this should never ever be allowed to own or even be near another animal as long as she lives!!!