Justice for Chazz
- by: Denise Rinker
- recipient: District Attorneys Office San Antonio,Tx.
We, the undersigned on this petition request the District Attorneys Office of San Antonio,Texas prosecute and punish, to the fullest extent of the law, the person or persons who did cause the death of one dog named Chazz.
Chazz's story is HORRIFIC. If you wish to view the story on the news, please go to KENS5 news station in San Antonio, Tx, and do a search for Chazz story, his wounds are horrifing, so please watch with care.
The person or persons who injured this small innocent dog, are very dangerous people. They should not be running loose in the neighborhoods of San Antonio. We all know, these are very dangerous signs of such blatant animal cruelty. If and when this person or persons are caught, you have a responsibility to the community you serve, to ask for the harshest punishment available.
Chazz deserves justice, please join us in giving it to him.
We, the undersigned persons, on this petition request the District Attorneys Office of San Antonio, Texas, to prosecute and punish, to the fullest extent of the law, the person or persons who did cause the death of one dog named Chazz.
We recognize the fact that there are MANY animal abuse cases in your City and want something to be done to the people who are killing animals for fun, in your city.
Please, take this petition to heart, and find Chazzes killers and punish them.
Thank You for taking time, to read this petition and the wishes of the people of your fair city.
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