The original tragic story is of a Rains County,Texas, resident being forced to strangle and drown his Blue Heeler after Rains County Deputy Jerred Dooley shot her when responding to a reported break in at his farmhouse.
The Police Officer, Jerrod Dooley, shot the dog when it was barking at him. But the owner claimed the dog was actually retreating from the officer when her was shot.
A necropsy was performed by Kevin Bankston, D.V.M., who confirmed Cole's story that Candy was shot in the back of the head, with the bullet exiting her face.
The PO's dashcam also confirmed that the dog was running AWAY when the shot was taken.
Since Cole stated all along that Candy had been retreating at the time Deputy Dooley shot her in the back of the head, the necropsy was necessary to confirm his explanation of the tragedy.
Based on these 2 pieces of evidence Jerrod Dooley was fired from the Police department.
Commend the Rains County Sheriff's Office for taking this action!