This petition is important, because it is seeking justice for an endangered animal needlessly killed by people who are meant to be there to protect them.
video link, see the footage here: you may have to copy paste the link into the search bar:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am appalled at the recent video that has emerged showing tour guides ruthlessly killing a beautiful wild Leopard at Krugar National Park. Number five of the parks rules and regulations regarding the jeep safari's state "no part of the body may protrude from a window or sunroof and doors should remain closed at all times". However, Mr Plumb the man operating the tour that day broke this rule, by protruding his head and elbows out of the window to see where an approaching leopard was. Not only that, but during the incident where the Leopard attacked, he opened the car door to use it as a weapon, thus giving the animal greater access to the jeep and the other passengers. Mr Plumb was fully aware the leopard was close by, so he should not of done what he did. Because of his actions another beautiful leopard has been lost. There are also reports from eye witnesses that he was waving his hand at the Leopard to try and get his attention for greater photo opportunities. Whichever way he broke a park rule. I am also horrified that the Leopard was ran over three times by two different vehicles. You can see on the video the jeep reverses over the Leopard as he is gripped onto Mr Plumbs arm, but then let's go. The jeep then directs the vehicle strait for the leopard and knocks him down again. This second hit was totally needless, and definitely intentional. It is clear the jeep had plenty of space to quickly manoeuvre around the Leopard to reach safety, and could have done this instead of running him over again. Not satisfied with hitting the animal twice, the silver van behind purposely drove up to the Leopard and ran him over for a third time. This is the most disgusting act of cruelty I have seen in a long time. There are three reasons why the driver of the van had no reason to do what he did. Number one: the jeep had driven away from danger, number two: the Leopard had already given up the chase and lost interest, because the jeep had driven off, number three: the van was a closed and secure vehicle making it next to impossible for the Leopard to get in and attack them. The driver could have easily reversed the van and drove the other way, without having to go near the Leopard, but as you can see from the video, instead he chooses to drive towards the animal to give it a third needless hit with the van. I want to see justice for this poor animals death. The tour guide made a grave mistake by protruding his head and arms in an area where he knew wild animals were roaming, and where one was lurking, which has now cost the life of an animal already endangered. He not only put himself in danger but others too. He broke a rule, therefore action should be taken. Action should also be taken against the drivers of the vehicles, for needlessly running over the leopard, when that could have been avoided, especially the silver van that you see purposely approaching the animal to give it another hit, after danger had been eliminated and the jeep was out of danger. I would like the tour guide and the drivers sacked from their jobs and prosecuted for needlessly running over an endangered animal and injuring it. There was no reason what so ever why the animal should have been ran over that many times, when there were obvious ways to avoid it. As far as myself and others are concerned, it was a needless act of cruelty from those who were meant to be there to protect him. I demand action be taken against the individuals concerned. Rest assured if no action is taken, then the park will in no doubt gain a bad reputation with people like myself, so it is in the parks best interest to take notice of this petition.
Thank you.
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