A new report declares that the Sumatran rhino is extinct in Malaysia and warns that Indonesia could be next. Indonesia is the last place on earth with free roaming Sumatran rhinos. And there's believed to be less than 100 individuals.
But Indonesia doesn't have to be the next Malaysia. Political will from Indonesia's leadership can save the Sumatran rhino. For example, stronger anti-poaching efforts and necessary intensive management zones can better protect the critically endangered rhino species.
Sign and share this petition demanding that Indonesia's President Joko Widodo does whatever it takes to save the last, wild and free Sumatran rhinos left on the planet. If President Widodo does nothing, then Indonesia will be the next Malaysia: it's not a question of "if" extinction will happen, but "when" it will happen. And when it does, it's forever.
Photo credit: Flickr Creative Commons, brett211