Urge Better Regulations For Dog Breeding and Animal Welfare in Iowa
- by: Sue Lee
- recipient: Iowa Lawmakers
Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage the U. S. Department of Agriculture and Humane Society in Iowa to implement better regulations for protecting dogs from mistreatment and abuse, especially in the dog breeding industry. Commercial dog breeding facilities are among the list of monitored animal welfare inspections as indicated by the U. S. Department of Agriculture due to concerns of mistreatment of animals throughout Iowa.
Animal awareness and concern is on the rise in Iowa due to a history of mistreatment and abuse. Animal advocates and others have voiced their concerns regarding the crucial issue of animal welfare with lawmakers. It has been determined that the USDA would keep a close eye on and monitor animal care facilities that also includes licensed commercial dog breeding facilities.
A bill to require the USDA oversee dog breeding facilities is of great concern so that the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship fully inspects and monitors them and their procedures. Iowa is the only state among four other top puppy-producing states that is not monitored and licensed by the USDA. As such, it was discovered that many Iowa dogs continue to be neglected, mistreated and often die at the hands of these breeders. This is because there are simply not enough USDA inspectors to thoroughly inspect, document and enforce animal care standards in each kennel.
We need to encourage the state of Iowa to do its part in providing better care and regulations for all companion animals so that they are treated humanely and you can help by signing and sharing this petition on all your media sites in the name of animals throughout the state of Iowa.
Iowa Lawmakers - You need to ensure better laws and regulations such as the SF 168 bill that will demand the Iowa USDA and Land Stewardship oversees, inspects and monitors all animal welfare facilities, including all licensed, commercial and other dog breeding facilities. It is important that your laws reflect humane treatment and care for all companion animals throughout your state and ensure anyone who mistreats, neglects, abuses or treats them cruelly face severe consequences and be banned from future animal care!
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