Save The Rhinos Through Better Protection Regulations

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: South African Government Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide as we want to pressure the African government in addressing corruption along with recruiting more law enforcement as a way to have better protection for the Rhinos. Government officials are due to meet in Botswana in accordance with the London conferences to address these issues and implement strict regulations and plans that will indeed save the rhinos from a sure death.

Numbers continue to climb in rhinos killed by a fifth just last year which is due to the need for Asian demand of rhino horns. This has got to stop or these animals will vanish very quickly. A record number of 13 were killed in 2007 but has increased drastically in the last several years; more than 1,215 killed in 2014 and 1.0004 killed in 2013.

Elephant and rhino program leader at the illegal wildlife trade NGO Traffic states that “Another year of poaching like 2014 and it becomes increasingly difficult to see a positive conservation future for South African rhinos. We’re facing a ‘do or die’ situation right now." NGO Traffic believe that corruption and judicial delays in prosecutions contributes to the continual decline in rhinos due to poaching, along with the strong demand for rhino horns is the reason for continual poaching on the rise.

WWF's director of global species program states that “Killing on this scale shows how rhino poaching is being increasingly undertaken by organized criminal syndicates. The country’s brave rangers are doing all they can to protect the rhinos but only a concerted global effort can stop this illegal trade. This includes South Africa scaling up its efforts to stop the poaching and Vietnam taking urgent measures to reduce consumer demand.” The London Declaration has been designed to tackle illegal wildlife trade and has been signed by 48 states, and proclaims that this is an issue that presents “a grave threat not only to the wildlife and the people who protect them, but also to the security of so many nations.”

Governments are due to meet again, shortly in Botswana and we are encouraging South Africa to join in the conference to address corruption along with recruiting more law enforcement officers while implementing more strict regulations and plans that will indeed save the rhinos from a sure death. You can help us to save the rhinos by signing and sharing this petition worldwide on all your media sites so that corruption and judicial delays in prosecutions no longer exist; and we can save the rhinos from extinction through stricter protection.

South African Government Officials - As the meeting is approaching in Botswana, it is imperative that you comply with the London Declaration that tackles the illegal wildlife trade and has been signed by 48 states. The declaration proclaims that this is an issue that presents “a grave threat not only to the wildlife and the people who protect them, but also to the security of so many nations.” A great deal of rhino poaching the rhino is that corruption and judicial delays in prosecutions contributes to the continual decline in rhinos due to poaching, along with the strong demand for rhino horns is the reason for continual poaching on the rise. Stop corruption, recruit more police officers to monitor and stop rhino killing and poaching, along with speeding up the judicial process of prosecuting offenders. As long as you are lax in your regulations, sentencing and prosecuting of poachers and killers of rhinos and other wildlife, the problem will never stop. Support, implement and follow through with stipulations and laws of the London Declaration; save your rhinos from extinction.

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