Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage the African Wildlife Federation and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to do more to protect the ever-declining population of lions throughout Africa. This majestic animal is crucial throughout their own habitat in Africa, making their loss a tragedy, threatening their mere existence. Please sign and share to protect the lion and save them from extinction.
Animal enthusiasts and the IUCN have done studies on the ever-declining numbers of lions throughout Africa, fearing that this rapid decline can lead to extinction. Studies show that the main reason for the decreasing numbers is the increasing conflict between livestock farmers and lions. Lions are forced to kill livestock where their natural prey has been squeezed out by livestock and associated farming practices and the farmers find it necessary to protect their livelihoods, often through the indiscriminate killing of lions.
Farmers have to implement their own safety measures of their livestock without resorting to killing the lions. Their decline in population is in serious decline because of the indiscriminate killing by humans, which typically occurs in the form or preemptive or retaliatory attacks against the cats, according to the IUCN. Prey-base depletion is another significant threat. A spokesperson for IUCN states that "Lions have undergone a catastrophic collapse in Africa. The countries that have managed to retain them are struggling with pervasive poverty and very little funding for conservation. To save the lion - and many other critically endangered mammals including unique populations of cheetahs, African wild dogs and elephants - will require a massive commitment of resources from the international community."
Another concerned with the lion population decline states that the secret to long-term success will be supplementing conservation dollars with an alternative revenue stream, such as the nature-based tourism that pumps billions of dollars into South and East Africa every year. West Africa has not gotten much tourism in the past because the West African governments have been reluctant to invest in their protected areas due to short-term returns. I think the way forward is to enhance education programs and to train local guards. Perhaps the World Bank, foreign governments, or other international agencies will be inspired to help the region develop an infrastructure for responsible tourism."
Someone needs to step in and encourage more help and support in protecting the long-term existence of the beautiful, majestic lion throughout Africa.Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to encourage the African Wildlife Federation and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to do more to protect the ever-declining population of lions throughout Africa. This majestic animal is crucial throughout their own habitat in Africa, making their loss a tragedy, threatening their mere existence. Please sign and share to protect the lion and save them from extinction.
African Government, Wildlife Federation, World Bank and International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Please implement more education programs, training of local wildlife guards and supplementing of conservation dollars with an alternative revenue stream, such as the nature-based tourism that pumps billions of dollars throughout the African continent. Implement and strictly enforce international laws and regulations that bans killing, poaching or harming lions for any purpose, punishing abusers of the laws with severe fines and jail time. The existence of this majestic being is dependent upon you doing more to bring more awareness and education that will save the lion throughout Africa.
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