Please let's stop this animal abuser now before he kills

  • by: Beverly Twomey
  • recipient: Judge Yee-Somerville Mass Municipal District Court and District Attorney Office

Ryan Baker from Medford Ma was videotaped abusing a dog in front of his home. (allegedly)The neighbors said it had happened many times in the past, but they were told they needed to have proof like a picture or video. The neighbors did and I was horrified. He punched, kicked and dragged Bullet. Then he picked the dog up by his collar and threw him over a fence at least 15 ft. into a tree. When asked why he did this he said he was having fun tossing the dog into the snow.  WOW.  It is hard to believe that the dog is still alive. It is his girlfriend's dog-how could she not know this was going on is beyond me. Some people should not have the privilege of having an animal.  The video is terrible.   Please do not watch unless you want to be disgusted

I reopened this petition as his hearing has been postponed 2x already.  I think he is hoping we will forget-never-He recently posted (May 18) a picture with Bullet to his facebook page.  Disgraceful!

To Judge Lee and The District Attorney Press Office

In Re:Commonwealth v Ryan Baker

Please find enclosed petition that I started on "The Petition Site"-I was horrified when I saw the videos of Mr. Baker allegedly abusing a dog and then Mr Baker's comments.  I have never done this before but I was just so appalled and then angry I felt I had to do something.  It is time that people who do these horrible things to animals are held accountable for their actions instead of just a slap on the wrist.  You will see on the petition that there are signatures (almost 4,000) from all over the world.  These are living animals that count on humans for protection and food not abuse  Having an animal should be a privelege as they give unconditional love.  This abuse was like sport to Mr. Baker.

I thank you for taking time in looking at the petition and this letter.  It is time that people like Mr. Baker know that this behaviour will not be tolerated.


Beverly A Twomey 595 Revere Beach Parkway Revere, Ma 02151

Update #19 years ago
Thank you to all who signed
He pleaded guilty and got 2 1/2 years in jail and 2 years probation!
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