I don't usually watch television...who has time! But when I'm visiting with my dad we watch CNN together, and when I'm flipping through the channels to help myself remember why I don't watch television, it never fails; I click onto the Hunting Channel just as some absolutely majestic creature is being stalked, backed into a corner, bucking and fearful for their life, then shot, all proudly recorded to memorialize what it looks like to destroy without reason or mercy.
There is only one real reason to hunt: to procure healthy, organic food. The act of the hunt as this channel espouses is based on the need of some to act on their inner emotional and hormonal imbalances, lacking compassion or gratitude for the beauty and splendor of our world and the living things in it.
Last night I was flipping through channels when -- one more time -- I lit upon the Hunting Channel and again was left feeling nauseated and heartbroken while I watched a hunter excitedly instruct how to rip the tail of a dead wolf from the tailbone, as the dead wolf lay in the back of pickup truck.
Where is the honor in this? What has become of our culture? Where are our scruples, our sense of what is right and wrong? Where are these guys wives as they perform the intolerant, deviated actions of a soul-less predator.
So, I'm putting it out there. If you don't believe it's right to hunt for the sake of satisfying one's inner aggressions, and if you don't think it's right to broadcast the abuse over the airwaves for the world to see, give my petition and click and let's have an honorable "fight" to stop the violent abuse of our animals just for the entertainment of one (sick) segment of the population.