This is Texas Republicans opportunity to show we have an environmental conscience and to bring federal dollars and jobs to Texas. Galveston Bay has suffered yet another extremey damaging oil spill. The Houston Ship Channel has been an known navigational hazard for decades. It is far too narrow for ships to pass each other without perfect timing and precision. There is no room for error. How many more serious oil spills must our environment suffer before something substantive is done to change this hazardous situation?
These cargo ships should not be allowed to enter Galveston Bay filled with petrochemicals. Current state of the art FSPO'S (Floating Storage Offloading Production Systems) Are the simple, cost effective solution before an "Exxon Valdez" type accident occurs in Galveston Bay and destroys our bay for generations to come. The petrochemicals could be pipelined in from offshore to currently little used facilities already in place at the LaPorte Terminal.
Please, gentlemen, show the nation that Texas does care very much about our environment and our wildlife.