Environmental groups in Thailand are alarmed by China's plan to blast shallow parts of the Mekong River to allow the passage of heavy shipping, according to a report on abc.net.au
Blasting river shallows in the Mekong will end in the destruction of key habitats for the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish. It will also have devastating impacts on countries like Cambodia and Vietnam, which lie downstream from the project site.
Moreover, national boundaries as well as local fishing and agriculture will be affected.
The report states: " Despite protests, the Thai Government has approved Chinese geological, hydrological and engineering surveys for the "navigation channel improvement project". The plan is to dynamite a series of rapids and river islands so that 500-tonne cargo ships can pass."
The Mekong River must be protected. Will you join me in telling the Thai Government NOT to give permission to China to blast the shallow areas of the Mekong. Please sign and share the petition.