Demand an investigation into the cruel and inhumane slaughter of pigs

  • by: Michael Taylor
  • recipient: Minister for Agriculture, the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP

As we speak, right now a highly intelligent species is being systematically tortured, and slaughtered in the most inhuman way you could dare to imagine. Their screams of terror fill the air, but fall on deaf uncaring ears. That’s where you come in: don’t allow their cries of pain and fear go unheard for longer.

What started off as good intentions has turned into something terrible thanks to human greed. Pigs across Australia are being put through gas chambers, and it is not humane at all. Something that was meant to be a humane way of slaughter, what the industry would like you to believe is that they are doing there best to make sure that every pig dies a death void of fear and suffering. But the opposite is true.

Because pigs are highly intelligent and easily distressed, group gassing is touted as the most 'humane' method of rendering them unconscious before slaughter.

When exposed to high concentrations of CO2, most pigs panic and have a violent reaction — potentially accompanied by pain.

If the CO2 concentration is less than 20%, pigs will generally not detect the gas. Yet the Australian meat industry standard is set between 80 - 100%. This to move the kill line quicker, to keep the output high and at the expense of the pigs, make more money that a more humane way of slaughtering would allow. Most of these pigs are going to there deaths in a complete state of terror and panic.

It is not just the abattoirs that are to blame. Every abattoir is under pressure to kill as many animals as possible in the shortest time. The industry standard puts efficiency ahead of animal welfare. Abattoirs risk losing there licenses if they fail audits; audits which require high outputs.

And just as the screams of terror are falling on deaf ears, so are the calls to end this cruel practice. Despite knowing of this senseless torture, the Australian pig meat industry has yet to open up a full investigation. The Federal Department of Agriculture has also been alerted to this alarming evidence of cruelty and has yet to address the industry-wide problem. And as I mentioned before, this is where you become the voice that must be heard. We need to demand a thorough investigation into this practice, with concrete plans to end it and introduce a better, more humane way.

By signing this petition you will give those pigs a voice. It is in your hands now. 



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