Australia for Dolphins says it's an organization that works peacefully to protect small cetaceans. Even though AFD says Taiji, Japan has treated these creatures most cruelly, it would never respond in kind.
Nevertheless, the Taiji museum now faces a lawsuit over its removal of AFD CEO Sarah Lucas and her father from the Museum's premises when they attempted to visit earlier this year. Lucas told the press that she and her father were "rudely and aggressively escorted" from the premises shortly after arriving and while they had been "quietly observing the dolphin show." A few days later, they tried again and got a message from the ticket officer that "anti-whalers"; were not allowed.
Even though the Museum tried to claim the pair was disruptive, surveillance videos show otherwise. Lucas insists that even though she is very concerned about Taiji's cruel treatment of its cetaceans - treatment which Japan would never allow to a pig or cow - she would never have acted in a way that was unlawful or disruptive.
This lawsuit should send a message to Taiji that it cannot block animal welfare activists from monitoring its treatment of whales and dolphins.
We, the undersigned, say Taiji’s infamous slaughter of dolphins more than justifies having its Whale Museum subject to monitoring by animal welfare activists.
Taiji’s yearly cruel entrapment and slaughter of these creatures has garnered worldwide attention and criticism not just because of the cruelty to these creatures, but due to the mercury content of the meat being sold and consumed.
Studies conducted since 2000 have reported high levels in mercury of Taiji residents who eat dolphin meat. This information has led to warnings being issued by the Japanese Ministry of Health, which recommended that eating the meat on a regular basis should be avoided by children and pregnant women. Nevertheless, the film, “The Cove” reported that the tainted meat was being sold to schools and consumed regularly by school children.
Wikipedia reports that since the release of the film, which brought in more activists to Taiji to observe the slaughter, fisherman involved have constructed tarps to conceal the drive-hunting that takes place in the Taiji cove.
The more recent actions by Taiji’s Whale Museum to prohibit visits by animal welfare activists does nothing but add to the concerns over how these creatures are being treated by the town.
We request that Taiji discontinue all such efforts to hide its treatment of these highly intelligent and emotionally evolved creatures.
Thanks for your time.