Save Beau's life and return him to his owner with no fees

  • by: Thomas Green
  • recipient: Mayor John Holden City government of Dyersburg, Tennesee (Mayor John Holden)

Beau is a 2 and 1/2 year old Golden Retriever/White German Shepard mix with no history of aggression or biting.  Beau killed a duck on his own property and was seized by animal control.  The city has marked him for euthanasia as a "vicious animal."  Beau should not be killed for this reason.  A no-kill shelter and many others are offering assistance, but Beau should be able to live out his life with his owner.  Beau has a stay of execution until October 21st on appeal and the owner is racking up boarding fees from the city during this stressful time.  Beau does not deserve a death sentence.  Please support Danny Higgins, his owner, and tell the city of Dyersburg, TN NOT to kill Beau.

The Support FB Page-

Dear Mayor John Holden City government of Dyersburg, Tennesee,

Save Beau and Release him Back to Danny with NO Charges!

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Update #310 years ago
The judge opened the hearing and stated that he felt the city needed to be joined by the District Attorney before any proceedings could occur. He said he was not sure of this, but wanted answers before there would be any sort of hearing.
He did NOT extend Beau's euthanasia date and did not hear any other motions to move Beau to safety. No hearing date was scheduled in court, but the judge said he wanted it in November. on the 20th
Update #210 years ago
We went to court with Danny today. The mayor of Dyersburg petitioned to stay Beau's execution. It was stayed until November 20th. An appeal has been filed and the judge refused to move Beau to a no kill shelter that is working with Danny. Danny's attorneys are filing an emergency hearing to move Beau to the no kill shelter pending appeal. He is accruing fees and his attorney will be setting up an account this afternoon and we will update you. Do NOT send money directly to the city.
Update #110 years ago
Here is the link to the local newspaper article. The animal control officer saw no duck and the child was not bitten. It appears nothing was unprovoked aggression. Please comment on the article or talk to Dyersburg officials and let them know how you feel. Plus the judge said attack domestic animal. I don't know, this man needs your support!
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