Little Farm Rescue is a Non Profit 501(c)(3) Organization committed to the welfare and safety of both farm and domestic animals Located in Seneca Falls NY. They have been providing good care for abandoned/orphaned animals in a safe, sanitary way - -now, they owners are facing eviction in 30 days.
Please sign the petition ask Fayette, NY not to evict Little Farm Rescue!
These animals will have no place to go as the Farm is doing what others are unable to do. Fayette "City Fathers" need to hear a voice of disagreement for this unfair treatment. In addition to signing this petition, contact them by phone & email and deliver your message of concern and expectation that they reconsider their actions.
Dear Cindy Garlick Lorenzetti, Fayette's (NY) Town Supervisor
Please consider the hardship the eviction notice to the Little Farm Rescue is placing on the "owners" & animals. The short notice and the absence of offenses or violations committed is unkind and not practical. This humane service to orphaned animals needs to be encouraged, not destroyed. It is also a place where people are helped in their need. Please reconsider your actions and reverse the demand that they vacate in 30 days. Please dialogue with the "owners" and the community at large to discover another solution to this situation. We, the signers, ask respectfully....Thank you for your kind attention to this request.