On May 11th, 2014 Amanda was at home spending Mother’s Day with her two children and other family members. One of the children had gone into the house and did not completely shut the door. Rocky a 7 month old Boxer mix puppy ran out the door. Rocky had heard the neighbor’s dogs barking and ran towards their outdoor kennels. Amanda and her 2 children hurriedly put on their shoes to go get Rocky and bring him back home. As the 3 of them headed towards the neighbors where Rocky had run they suddenly heard what appeared to be gun shots. Amanda in immediate fear for her children’s lives told them both to run home, close the door and wait inside. Amanda begins screaming “don’t shoot…he is just a puppy…he won’t bite…I am coming to get him…please don’t shoot!” With more shots being fired, Amanda continued running, screaming and pleading to whoever was shooting to please quit. Suddenly Rocky the puppy came running back towards his house. Amanda then retreated and followed Rocky as he ran into the house and collapsed on the floor close to the children. Amanda noticed that blood was running from under Rocky’s leg. She immediately called 911 to report the shooting and loaded Rocky up to rush him to the vet. Amanda’s parents were there and stayed to talk to the Iredell County Sheriff Deputy who would be responding to the 911 call.
On the way to the vet Amanda saw the responding deputy and stopped him to tell him she was taking the dog to an emergency vet and that her parents were waiting on him at her house to give him the report. The deputy was able to see Rocky in his condition following the shooting. Once at the vet, Amanda a single mother of two small children ages 3 and 7 was told that Rocky’s surgery to would cost between $3500 and $5000. Once the vet realized that Amanda did not have this kind of money he told her he could not do the surgery to remove the bullet. He told Amanda to take Rocky home, keep a close eye on him and pray. Back at the home the parents had spoken to the Deputy giving him the details of the shooting. The Deputy approached the neighbor for questioning to find out it was the neighbor’s grandson who had done the shooting. This grandson (name unknown) had continually discharged a firearm within 500’ of Amanda’s home. He fired his gun in the direction to where the children were fleeing and should have been charged accordingly for weapon violations. Animal Control also showed up and took a statement and pictures of Rocky.
Rocky was taken back home where Amanda and the children prayed for his life. Rocky is still healing from the gunshot wound and is carrying the bullet still lodged in his body close to his abdomen. It is unknown what this injury will do to the puppy in the long run. Rocky’s life is being lived one-day-at-a-time. The young children were traumatized with their loving family pet being shot. Since the shooting the children have had continued nightmares. They are fearful to go out into their yard to play and are startled with each loud noise they hear.
As to date…it is unknown if any charges have been filed in this incident. The shooter who fled the scene shortly after being questioned by the Deputy has since returned to the neighbor’s house. Amanda has contacted both the Sheriff’s Department and Animal Control to get a copy of their reports and no one can produce such. She has inquired about any charges being filed and no one can tell her whether charges have been considered. This is a clear case of aggravated animal cruelty.
We, the people are petitioning to have the charges of 1) Discharging a Firearm within 500’ of a dwelling, 2) Child Endangerment and 3) Felony Animal Cruelty filed against the shooter ,the grandson of Amanda’s neighbor. We want to know why we have to ask that these charges be filed when it should have been proper law enforcement protocol. Law Enforcement in Iredell County in this instance are failing to enforce the laws. So we are requesting action be taken by Iredell County Sheriff’s Department against the shooter in this case and that these charges are immediately filed.
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