This won't take long, trust me! I've prepared sample letters for you.
Email him at peter.walsh@parliament.vic.gov.au using 1 of 2 samples letters prepared below. You are encouraged to write your own as well, and are welcome to use the sample letters as a base.
Those within Victoria, search for your postcode
To Mr. Walsh,
I write to you in absolute dismay regarding the news that you are introducing ag-gag legislation ahead of the upcoming state election.
This legislation is a direct response to undercover investigations by animal welfare groups, which have exposed horrific animal cruelty. Ag-gag laws work to protect those who commit animal cruelty, and it also then blocks information on food-safety issues and poor working conditions.
While few people may deem animal right activists as 'extremists', they are merely presenting the truth to the public through non-violent civil disobedience.
During February this year in Idaho, USA, undercover footage of cows being physically and sexually abused by workers was released. Instead of prosecuting the abusers and rightfully informing the public, the state passed law making it illegal to covertly film and specifically sort to protect the very people who abuse animals.
In 2008, The Humane Society of the United States investigation revealed sick animals being slaughtered, leading to the recall of 140 million pounds of tainted meat, a lot of which was destined for school cafeterias across America. Images of workers kicking cows and ramming them with a forklift to force sick animals to slaughter shocked the world. With ag-gag laws in place, this information would have never have been known.
There have been countless undercover investigations into the Australian animal agriculture business where the public has been informed of the truth, of which they are entitled.
Is this the type of behaviour and treatment that you endorse within our society?
I implore you to dig deeper and contemplate the true issue at hand: Ag-gag laws, and those who support such laws, stipulate that the "extremists" are not those who engage in unspeakable animal abuse, but are those who non-violently expose it.
To Mr. Walsh,
I am writing to you to express my deep concern over the fact that you are introducing ag-gag legislation ahead of the upcoming state election.
The current ag-gag laws in the US essentially package up all forms of non-violent resistance that might threaten agricultural profits and labels them as acts of ‘domestic terrorism’. Those who work to expose animal cruelty, poor working conditions and food safety issues are prosecuted, instead of those who commit animal abuse and cruelty. I ask you, how is this logical or just?
This year investigations by Australian animal rights groups showed Rivalea staff dragging and kicking pigs and excessively shocking them with an electric prod. Not only that, but the CO2 concentration used is 4 times higher than what is scientifically known to avoid distress. These animals suffer appallingly, and the Rivalea abattoirs are considered to be the "best of the best".
In 2011, Victorian authorities closed down an abattoir in Gippsland after footage of animal welfare breaches inside the facility were provided. Their license was withdrawn permanently due to the horrific amount of cruelty that was captured.
The ag-gag laws which you want to introduce into Australia would prevent such incidences from being brought to the attention of authorities and the public, who have every right to know.
Why is this something you wish to support?
Civil disobedience is a form of civil resistance where actions are non-violent, have the intent to disclose to the public, are conscientiously motivated, and are undertaken with attempt to change law. By supporting ag-gag, you are proclaiming that you support animal cruelty, and are against any of the historical icons from our history who fought against unjust laws, such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
Greater attempts need to be made at addressing animal cruelty, rather than burying it further underground.
I am writing to you in regards to the recent news that Agriculture Minister, Peter Walsh, is introducing ag-gag legislation ahead of the upcoming state election.
Ag-gag laws work to protect those who commit animal cruelty within the agriculture industry, while then prosecuting those who work to expose animal cruelty, poor working conditions and food safety issues through undercover investigations. I ask you, how is this logical or just?
Animal rights groups who film and document undercover investigations are committing civil disobedience. It is a form of civil resistance where actions are non-violent, have the intent to disclose to the public, are conscientiously motivated, and are undertaken with attempt to change law. Some of our biggest historical icons, such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, committed the same actions and are revered today.
Animal rights groups who conduct undercover investigations are morally justified with their actions, and the public has every right to know what is occurring in our country.
Please know that you will not receive my vote if you support Peter Walsh's legislation. I implore you to listen to the Victorian public and campaign against what is being proposed.
Thank you,